How Did They Build Mt Rushmore?

The work was exciting, but dangerous. 90% of the mountain was carved using dynamite . The powdermen would cut and set charges of dynamite of specific sizes to remove precise amounts of rock. Before the dynamite charges could be set off, the workers would have to be cleared from the mountain.

How Did They Build Mt Rushmore?

Mt Rushmore is one of the most iconic monuments in the United States, and has become a symbol of American patriotism and pride. But how did it get there? How did they build Mt Rushmore?

The construction of Mt Rushmore began in 1927 and was completed in 1941. It was the brainchild of a South Dakota historian, Doane Robinson, who wanted to bring more attention to the state. He proposed the idea to Gutzon Borglum, a sculptor from Connecticut. Borglum accepted the challenge and chose the granite faces of four of the greatest presidents of the United States, George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Theodore Roosevelt and Abraham Lincoln, to be carved into the side of Mt Rushmore.

The first step in the construction was to dynamite the side of the mountain to create a flat surface for the sculptors to work on. This process was completed in 1933. After the mountain had been leveled, Borglum and his team of sculptors began the process of sculpting the faces of the presidents. Using a process called “honeycombing” they would chip away small pieces of granite until the faces started to take shape.

In order to make sure the faces were symmetrical and accurate, Borg

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