What Is a Predecessor in Project Management?

Predecessors in project management are activities that must begin or end before a successor task can proceed.

What Is a Predecessor in Project Management?

In project management, a predecessor is an activity that must be completed before another activity can begin. The successor activity cannot start until the predecessor activity has finished.

The termpredecessor is used in the context of the Critical Path Method (CPM), which is a technique used to schedule and plan complex projects. In CPM, the activities are represented by nodes on a network diagram.

The arrows between the nodes represent the dependencies between the activities. If activity A is a predecessor of activity B, then activity A must be completed before activity B can start.

The successor activity (B) cannot start until the predecessor activity (A) has finished. The Critical Path is the longest path through the network diagram.

The activities on the Critical Path have the shortest duration and the least amount of slack. The Critical Path is the sequence of activities that determines the project schedule. The Critical Path Method is used to create a schedule for a project.

The schedule is a list of the activities and the order in which they will be completed.

The Critical Path Method is a way of thinking about projects that helps you to identify the activities that are critical to the success of the project. It is a technique that is used to schedule and

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