What Is the Small Window Above a Door Called?

Transom windows (also called transom lights) sit above an entry, patio or interior door, or other windows.

What Is the Small Window Above a Door Called?

A transom is a small window, often decorated, located above a door. Transoms were originally used to let light and air into a room while the door was closed.

Today, transoms are often used for decorative purposes. The word transom comes from the Latin transomus, which meansacross. The word originally referred to the crosspiece of a door or window.

Transoms were common in the homes of the wealthy in the 18th and 19th centuries. They were often used in combination with stained glass to create an elegant look.

In the 20th century, transoms fell out of favor. They were considered oldfashioned and were often replaced with larger windows. However, transoms have made a comeback in recent years.

They are now appreciated for their charm and uniqueness. If you are considering adding a transom to your home, there are a few things to keep in mind.

First, you will need to decide where to place the transom. It should be located in an area where it will get plenty of light. Second, you will need to choose a design that compliments the style of your home.

There are many different styles of transoms available, so


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