How Do Chimneys Work?

Chimneys operate on the principle that hot air rises above cold air. The movement of hot gases rising from the fire creates a pressure difference between the inside of the flue and the room. This is called a “draught” and it forces air into the fireplace, this air feeds the flames as it rushes past the fire.

How Do Chimneys Work?

Chimneys are an integral part of many homes, allowing smoke and other byproducts of combustion to be safely removed from the building. But how do chimneys work? In this article, we’ll discuss the basics of chimney function, explaining how these structures help keep our homes safe and comfortable.

Chimneys are typically constructed with a metal or masonry lining, which helps to prevent heat and smoke from escaping the flue. This lining also helps keep the chimney from overheating and potentially starting a fire. The lining is usually made of clay, though some chimneys may have a metal liner.

The chimney’s flue is the section of the chimney that runs from the fireplace or stove to the outside. This is the area that carries the smoke, fumes, and other combustion byproducts out of the building. The flue is typically lined with a material designed to prevent heat from escaping, such as a heat-resistant masonry liner.

At the top of the chimney, there is usually a metal or masonry cap. This cap helps keep debris and animals from entering the chimney, while also allowing the smoke and fumes to escape. The cap also helps create a draft, which allows the

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