How to Calculate Relative Density?

Relative density can be calculated directly by measuring the density of a sample and dividing it by the (known) density of the reference substance. The density of the sample is simply its mass divided by its volume.

How to Calculate Relative Density?

Relative density is a way of measuring the density of a material compared to the density of another material. It is used in a variety of industries, such as material science, engineering, and chemistry.

Knowing how to calculate relative density is essential for understanding the properties of various materials. To calculate relative density, you will need to first determine the density of the material you are interested in.

Density is defined as the mass of a material per unit volume. This can be calculated by dividing the mass of the material by its volume. You will also need to determine the density of the reference material.

This is typically the density of pure water, which is 1 g/mL. Once you have both densities, you can calculate the relative density by dividing the density of the material by the density of the reference material.

For example, lets say you wanted to calculate the relative density of iron. The density of iron is 7.874 g/mL. The density of the reference material is 1 g/mL.

To calculate the relative density of iron, you would divide 7.874 by 1. This would give you a relative density of 7.874. Relative density is a great way to compare the densities

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