How to Fill Gaps in Concrete?

Fill the crack with urethane caulk, similar to what you would use for driveway caulk. It works perfectly as a concrete expansion joint sealant. Snip the opening of the tube at a 30-degree angle, making the opening the same size as your gap.

How to Fill Gaps in Concrete?

Filling gaps in concrete is a necessary part of many construction and remodeling projects. Whether you need to fill a large gap or a small one, understanding the basics of how to fill gaps in concrete will help you complete your project with ease.

The first step to filling gaps in concrete is to determine the size of the gap. If the gap is small, you may be able to use a concrete filler, such as caulk or grout. If the gap is larger, you may need to use a concrete patching compound.

Before you begin, you will need to make sure the area is clean and free of dirt and debris. If there is any dirt or debris, you should remove it before applying the concrete filler. You can use a vacuum or broom to clean the area.

Once the area is clean, you can begin filling the gap with the concrete filler. If you are using caulk or grout, you should use a caulking gun to apply the filler. Make sure that you move the gun in a slow and steady motion, as this will ensure that the filler is evenly distributed. If you are using a concrete patching compound, you should apply it with a trowel in a thin layer.

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