What Are Speed Bumps For?

Speed humps are parabolic vertical traffic calming devices intended to slow traffic speeds on low volume, low speed roads. Speed humps are 3–4 inches high and 12–14 feet wide, with a ramp length of 3–6 feet, depending on target speed.

What Are Speed Bumps For?

Speed bumps are a traffic calming measure used to reduce vehicle speeds in areas where pedestrian and bicycle traffic is present.

They are also known as sleeping policemen, speed humps, or road humps. Speed bumps are typically raised, elongated, and textured to provide a physical and visual cue to drivers to slow down.

While speed bumps are an effective way to reduce vehicle speeds, they are not without controversy. Some argue that speed bumps are a nuisance and can cause damage to vehicles.

Others argue that speed bumps are an important traffic safety measure that can save lives. What are speed bumps for? Speed bumps are designed to reduce vehicle speeds in areas where pedestrian and bicycle traffic is present.

Speed bumps are typically raised, elongated, and textured to provide a physical and visual cue to drivers to slow down. While speed bumps are an effective way to reduce vehicle speeds, they are not without controversy.

Some argue that speed bumps are a nuisance and can cause damage to vehicles. Others argue that speed bumps are an important traffic safety measure that can save lives.

Speed bumps are typically installed in areas where there is a concern for pedestrian safety. This may be due to a high number of pedestrians in the area, a history of

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