What Is a Gc in Construction?

Most people are aware of the term general contractor (gc). The gc is the main contractor who is responsible for the day-to-day oversight of a construction site and hiring of the subcontractors and suppliers for a project.

What Is a Gc in Construction?

A gc in construction is a general contractor. A gc is responsible for the daytoday coordination of a construction project.

A gc also manages the subcontractors who perform the work. A gc is usually hired by the owner of the property being constructed. The gc then hires the subcontractors.

The gc is responsible for the quality of the work done by the subcontractors. The gc is also responsible for the safety of the workers and the public.

The gc must follow the safety regulations of the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA). The gc is responsible for the schedule of the construction project.

The gc must make sure that the subcontractors finish their work on time. The gc is responsible for the cost of the construction project.

The gc must make sure that the project is completed within the budget. The gc is responsible for the coordination of the construction project.

The gc must make sure that the subcontractors work together and that the work is done in the correct order. The gc is responsible for the quality of the construction project.

The gc must make sure that the project meets the specifications of the owner.

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